The same lack of documentary evidence described elsewhere affected records of the 19th Century. No complete censuses or central records of BMD exist for Northern Ireland for this period. However, parish records, land valuations and tombstone records do Exist. In addition we have reached the period when family memories are written down or reliably passed down. Finally death records that do exist from the early 20th Century link back and give some credibility to the non-official records of the previous century.
Records within Roots Ireland show a change of Surname spelling from G to K. Although some Gilkie and Gilky still exist the usual spelling became Kilkey with occasionally Kielkey and rarely Kilkie. It is worth remembering that most people were illilerate and could not spell their names, only say them. It was left to officials, clerks and clergy to interpret spoken names as written names.
The same change from G to K took place in other surnames, for example Gilbride became Kilbride.
The table below shows Roots Ireland records for the period 1800 to 1900
birth | Gillkey | William | 1852 | Co. Derry |
birth | Gillkey | William | 1852 | |
birth | Gilkie | Duff | 1853 | Co. Antrim |
Church Marriage | Gilkie | John | 1861 | Co. Antrim |
Church Marriage | Gilkie | William | 1862 | Co. Antrim |
birth | Kielkey | Jane | 1864 | Co. Derry |
birth | Kilkey | Jane | 1864 | Co. Derry |
birth | Kilkey | John | 1864 | Co. Derry |
birth | Kilkey | John | 1864 | Co. Derry |
birth | Kielkey | Catherine | 1866 | Co. Derry |
birth | Kielkey | William | 1866 | Co. Derry |
birth | Kilkie | Catherine | 1866 | Co. Derry |
Church Marriage | Gilkie | James | 1868 | Co. Derry |
birth | Kielkey | William Henry | 1870 | Co. Derry |
birth | Kielky | Ellen | 1870 | Co. Derry |
birth | Kilkey | Susan | 1873 | Co. Derry |
Church Marriage | Kickley | Eliza | 1878 | Co. Tyrone |
Church Marriage | Kilkie | Sarah | 1879 | Co. Derry |
Civil Marriage | Kilkie | Sarah | 1879 | Co. Derry |
Church Marriage | Kilkey | William | 1884 | Co. Derry |
Civil Marriage | Kilkey | William | 1884 | Co. Derry |
birth | Kilkey | William James | 1885 | Co. Derry |
birth | Kilkey | Michael | 1886 | Co. Derry |
Church Marriage | Kelkey | George | 1893 | Co. Derry |
Church Marriage | Kilkey | Bernard | 1893 | Co. Derry |
Civil Marriage | Kilkey | Bernard | 1893 | Co. Derry |
Civil Marriage | Kilkey | George | 1893 | Co. Derry |
birth | Kilkey | Mary | 1894 | |
Marriage | Kilkey | Anne | 1894 | Co. Derry |
Church Marriage | Kilkey | Annie | 1894 | Co. Derry |
Civil Marriage | Kilkey | Susan | 1894 | Co. Derry |
Church Marriage | Kilkey | Susan | 1894 | Co. Derry |
birth | Kilkey | Agnes | 1896 | |
birth | Kilkey | Hessie | 1897 | |
Gravestone | Kilkey | Rose | 1898 | Co. Derry |
Gravestone | Kilkey | Rose | 1898 | Co. Derry |
Gravestone | Kilkey | Agnes | 1899 | Co. Derry |
Gravestone | Kilkey | Agnes | 1899 | Co. Derry |
It is also worth noting that occasional individuals are recorded in Tyrone or Antrim, these are all marriages and births remain stubbornly in Derry.