Is Kilkie Polish?

Another common search result found when looking for Kilkie connections is the name Kilkiewicz. People retrieved with this surname have always been recorded as Polish origin. So, the leading question? is Kilkiewicz a Polish person who came from Derry, or did Kilkie come from some lost Polish sailors beached in Northern Ireland?

We can easily rule out actual connections as the name end -ewicz or owicz means son of, thus the name in Polish is son of Kilki not son of Kilkie. Afer a few hours researching with Google we have not managed to find any web explanation of Kilkiewicz, but there are 60,000 references to the name almost all are in Polish or relating to a Polish person. Not one reference to an Irish Kilkiewicz was found.

Our current conclusion is that Kilki -ewicz is an accidental similar name to Kilkie in the same way that the aborigine for a diving bird has no connection to Derry (unless you know different?)

Some research into Polish surnames did find some evidence that the Kilkiewicz come from particular parts of Poland. The site is and it appears to be a polish family history site. The map shows red (high numbers) in Torun and Chelmno and orange (about 12 names) in the area of Czluchow.

Is Kilkie Polish?