Belfast is one of the two semi-permanent homes of the Halliday family. Over the late 19th and early 20th century they seem to move seamlessly between Belfast and Glasgow. The connections between these cities was strong, travel by sea was
Northern Ireland Origins
There are many places in Ireland that are mentioned in our family history but we have only shown the locations of the main points of origin. For Kilkie this is relatively easy as the only places where the surname are
This is a “townland” outside Derry City, just North off the A6. The modern day village consists of a few cottages, farms and barns. The historical village was probably even smaller than this. All of the James Kilkie (1846) clan can
The Kilkie clan decended from John Kilkie (1780) were recorded as born in Glenkeen, Clondermot. Recent maps including Google show Glenkeen as an area in Waterside, ie on the eastern side of the Foyle. Historically Waterside was the protestant part of
Geography of Londonderry
All the known Kilkies living in the early 19th century were born within a few miles of the city of Derry and the county of Londonderry/Derry. An understanding an knowledge of the various names and their meanings will help anyone
Derry or Londonderry
First point to make before even beginning is that there is a disagreement among citizens in the area over the name of the City and the County. The historical name was Derry (Doire in Irish, meaning Oak wood). In 1613 London was